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Safe Places National Network

Our free-to-use Safe Places Apps show all the Safe Places in districts that have decided to make the Apps available. You can see which districts have chosen to make the Safe Places Apps available on our Member Schemes page.

They are free-to-use by anyone with a smart phone and are available to download now from both the App Store and Google play.

Download on the App Store      Get it on Google Play

The apps have a function called 'Get me to my nearest Safe Place Now' (Panic button) which immediately directs you to the nearest open Safe Place. If no Safe Place is located within a 15-minute walk it will automatically offer to call the non-emergency 101 number to get help over the phone.

The Apps have now been developed to be ‘Voice Activated’, this means those who may traditionally struggle to use an App or those with visual impairments can be directed to a Safe Place by simply talking to their phones.

Voice Activation Settings

As different phones have their own settings the Apps require some 'set-up' to enable voice activation to work.

To help with this we have formed a partnership with the amazing communications company O2.

This means anyone who is based in a district that is a member of the Safe Places National Network who needs assistance with the Safe Places Apps including Voice Activation, will be able to arrange FREE assistance in any of the O2 stores that are located in districts that are members of the Safe Places National Network.

The assistance is completely free and even includes those who are not O2 customers.

The assistance can be arranged by calling or visiting any O2 store that is located in a member district on or after the 1st July; it maybe they are able to help straight away, if not an appointment can be made.

As the Safe Places National Network grows, so too will the O2 support network.

  • Can be used proactively to find and visit Safe Places as part of the Safety in the Community 'Life Skills' curriculum
  • Can be used to encourage people to get out and about and engage with their community
  • All registered Safe Place details are available at the touch of a button
  • The Apps only direct the user to open Safe Places
  • Are an effective way to reach out to isolated people already living independently who may already have and use a smart phone
  • Can be used for a Safe Places ‘treasure hunt’ competition. Entrants details used to evidence exactly how many people are discovering Safe Places and when
  • Treasure hunt can be in different parts of the local area to encourage vulnerable users to visit and experience new places
  • The Apps can be used by SEND college students who 'volunteer for work experience' as part of their course to help identify and audit Safe Places for the scheme operators
  • Venue Audits provide figures of how many individual Safe Place visits there have been and when they were made
  • Are useful for Girl Guides when completing the Safe Places part of the new 'Be Prepared' badge
  • Are being used by Police Cadets as part of a 'Volunteer Work Placement Safe Places Auditor' program which contributes to their Duke of Edinburgh Award

If you have any questions about our Safe Places Apps, please drop us a line. info@safeplaces.org.uk